More thrilling and scary than I expected

Before Game of Thrones was a world wide phonomenon George R R Martin wrote Nightflyers. Sci-Fi is a you well know something completely different from the fantasy world of the Seven Kingdoms, and it’s most defently a new genre for me so reading this was a big step for me.

In the book a research team have chartered a spaceship to take them far-and-beyond to come closer, maybe even make contact with the mysterious volcryn, a species that’s traveled through space for thousands of years.

Despite my long relationship with Star Trek and some other, as nerdy, tv-series I struggle a bit in the beginning with names that means nothing to me and technical terms I do not understand. It feels a bit like when I read The Girl Who Takes an Eye for an Eye by David Lagercrantz and had trouble with the complicated math and the scientific theories so easly understood by Lisbeth Salander.

But as I get used to that I’m hooked, Nightflyers is actually pretty thrilling, even scary sometimes. It’s a classic locked-room-story. On a spaceship you have no where to go, and no one can come to your rescue, or to harm you. So who are killing them one by one?

Since it’s a sci-fi-story computers and AI plays a huge role in this story. And be aware, you can’t trust any of it.

All in all Nightflyers was a pleasant surprise, definitely more thrilling and scary than I expected.