It’s crazy. And fascinating

Ok, so I’m probably last person on earty to read Kevin Kwans book, but who cares? When you finally get your hands on a story that fascinates you as Crazy Rich Asians did me, well… then it simply doesn’t matter, does it?

For this is one fascinating read. Crazy yes, but fascinating. The world described here is as far away from mine as you can come, and maybe that’s why I couldn’t stop reading.

It was a little slow at the beginning, but when things started to happen (you know, the fish in the handbag incident…), well, then I simply could not stop reading – and that’s the best thing you can say about a book in my world. When you forget time and place and just keeps turning those pages – then you know it’s a good book.

I already miss Rachel, Nick and their friends, and enemies. I realize I have to get my hands on the sequel and start reading as soon as possible.